Pam from Malabar, Florida continues to send us great shots of birds and other wildlife that visit her yard.
Thanks Pam!
Pam writes:
I know you have the Mourning Dove on your life list, but thought this picture from the BirdCam was especially pretty. My husband Richard gave me the BirdCam for Christmas, and we let it take pictures every day. It’s always a treat to see what surprises we have when we get home from work.
Of course you have a picture of a cardinal, but I thought this picture from the BirdCam was especially pretty. Sometimes we put seed on an old stump and this picture captured the Northern Cardinal with the flowers behind it.
You may have noticed I do crop the pictures to get rid of unwanted background, but otherwise the picture is straight from the BirdCam.
(The Wingscapes Blog Team really likes the Common Ground-Dove picture you sent us as well, Pam.)
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