I'm working through a backlog of items I want to post about. In early December, our friend Nancy Castillo posted some great BirdCam images on her blog The Zen Birdfeeder. Nancy runs a Wild Birds Unlimited store and was one of our first dealers to catch-on to a great benefit of the BirdCam...it can be used to showcase other products.
On Monday, Nancy posted some great images of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches, including this one in which she captured a Downy and Hairy woodpecker together. This two are nearly identical except for their size. (Hairy is similar size to Red bellied or Red headed Woodpeckers,...Downy is smaller.)
...the Tuesday, Nancy showcased the WBU Eliminator feeder...
...on Wednesday, Nancy posted some cool shots of various Rodentia...
...on Thursday, it was a smattering of different birds. I was surprised recently to learn that many backyard birders have an aversion to Blue Jays. I love them. They take great photos...
...on Friday, Nancy posted some great video. Click here to check it out.
Wingscapes loves Nancy. She is a BirdCammer of the first order.
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