...from our series "Catching up the Items to Blog Backlog"...
In January, Jason Beason, special monitoring projects coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, presented "Bald Eagles & Other Raptors" at the Ridgway Community Center.
Below is an excerpt from the article we found describing his efforts:
"Beason received a B.S. degree in 1990 from the Ohio State University where he majored in natural resources. After college, he moved west and took up the hobby of birding. Beason has worked on a wide variety of projects involving birds in eight western states and conducted surveys in locations as remote as the Frank Church Wilderness Area in Idaho and as urban as "the strip" in Las Vegas. He and his wife, Kerry, and their son, Otus, run a small farm near Paonia."
"Bald eagles winter in Colorado near reservoirs and rivers where they are attracted by the kokanee salmon, a river-locked sockeye salmon that is stocked in local waterways by the Colorado Division of Wildlife (DOW) for recreational fishing. Local residents have reported seeing as many as 30 bald eagles near the bridge in Ridgway. Another good viewing site seems to be where the Uncompahgre River enters the Ridgway Reservoir."
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